Online adult dating is really, really funny, if you think about it. I mean, it’s like rolling the dice and not knowing what will come up. On the one hand, it can be very exciting. On the other, it can be quite depressing if it doesn’t turn out right for you.
What makes it completely random is that usually, success with online adult dating has nothing to do with what you look like. I know this sounds crazy, but there are a lot of guys out there who look like George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, or Brad Pitt who can’t get laid. No joke! They have nice-looking profiles, but once it comes down to it, chicks don’t end up fucking them. What the hell’s going on?
By the same token, there are a lot of guys with a lot of money in the bank who roll around in Mercedes or BMW, decked out in Armani clothing, and they’re still at home jerking off because they can’t make heads or tails with online adult dating. What the fuck is going on?
Well, this can be good news or this can be bad news. It really all depends on your point of view. So take this with a big block of salt and an open mind. If you are serious about maximizing your chances with online adult dating, you need to throw away whatever the fuck other people have been telling you. The advice that you’ve been getting is all too predictable. A lot of guys would tell you, “You need big muscles.” Some guys would tell you that, “You need to have a big dick.” Other guys will tell you that you need millions of dollars in the back. Some guys would tell you that you need a nice car. Other guys would tell you that you need a prestigious-sounding job like a surgeon or a corporate lawyer. You get what I am saying, right?
Well, you know what? Fuck all those guys in the ass. Seriously, fuck them. All that bullshit advice doesn’t work. I mean, maybe those things would work in the typical dance scene singles’ club type of scenario, but when it comes to online adult dating on adult xxx date, all that shit goes up in smoke. The main thing that I’ve found is just be yourself, listen to the girls talking and that’s usually enough to score me a casual fuck.